Jamie Barren presents Roxbury Hollywood New Year's Eve 2012 with Dj Darude - http://jamiebarrenpresents.com
Spend NYE 2012 with Dj Darude (http://darude.com) performing LIVE his hit track "Sandstorm" at the world famous Roxbury Hollywood Nightclub with an ALL NIGHT OPEN BAR -
Limited presale ALL ACCESS tickets $100 - VIP TABLES with insane BOTTLE SPECIALS AVAILABLE! VIP Reservations with Jamie Barren 310-749-9029 -
follow http://twitter.com/jamiebarren - Visit Roxbury Hollywood online at http://roxbury.la - 1661 Ivar Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028 - This event is 21/over only.
Checkout Darude's hit track Sandstorm YouTube music video online at - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQaBWziYvY